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A young 12 year old murderer |Richardson family murder story|

Richardson family, 12 year old murderer, richardson murder case

A young 12-year-old murderer- Tragic but true...

April 2006, Canada.

People were shocked, and television channels were filled with a piece of tragic news that one could not think of. the headlines were flashing-  "a young 12-year-old murderer, who killed three members of the family".
"A murderer in the house",  "A 12 year could be a murderer?"

richardson family murder, jasmin, jeremy
source: google

Richardson family murder case.

Three members of the Richardson family were murdered in medicine hat, Alberta, Canada.
it was shocking to believe that the murders were committed by the family's 12-year-old daughter  Jasmine Richardson and her 23-year-old boyfriend Jeremy Steinke. 

jeremy, jasmin, 12 year old murderer, richardson family

Beginning of the horror.

Jasmine Richardson and Jeremy Steinke met at the punk rock show in early 2006. after that, they started communicating at Nexopia (a popular website for young Canadians).

Jasmin was in her pre-teen years, just like any other teenager Jasmin's behavior was changing there parents can saw the changes but didn't get bothered much, because they thought it was usual teenage stuff.
but later the school authority informed her parents about the major changes like how her likes and appearances are changing, she used to love bright colors like pink, but later she started wearing black/dark colors, making fake tattoos that symbolize satan, putting dark gothic makeup, and jewelry that was not allowed in a catholic school.

so when Jasmin met Jeremy Steinke, who was showing interest in her, he was also a goth man. They have common interests and common things to talk about, and that was how Jasmin got attracted to him, they exchanged phone numbers and they started hanging out secretly.

Jeremy used to brag about his character, he told Jasmin that he is a 300-year-old vampire, and he love the taste of blood and wore a vial of blood around his neck. because he needs the blood to survive. and that was fascinating to a 12-year-old Jasmin. 

I don't know about Jasmin, but as a 23-year-old guy, making up all that stupid stories, I don't think he was 'normal' but a teenage brain took it very seriously and everything started...

Jasmin and Jeremy were sexually active, they got committed and after that Jasmin changed completely, Jasmin's friends were scared of her dress sense, they were saying that Jasmin used to draw crosses and weird tattoos all over her body. 
after asking Jasmin about her appearance, she said that she liked the idea of scaring people because it made her feel powerful.

soon Jeremy became the center of her world. and by this time Jasmin became full-blown gothic. she was deeply in love as she said but we here can understand that it was infatuation. 

she started giving her time to a website called, it was just like a social media platform where you post pictures, share your thoughts, build your community, and talk to the people who share a common interest. and as per the name, mainly vampire interests
so in the bio on the site, she describes herself as bisexual, wicked, weird, insane, awkward, loud, deep-thinker, etc. and in the interest section, she listed unnatural hair colors, dark poetry, blood, and kinky things.

 Jeremy was also on that site from the very beginning, it was his go-to site and that's where they two communicate most of the time. jeremy's interest in the profile was also very long, which includes that he likes Chriss angel.     
Jasmin kept the relationship hidden because you cannot tell your parents that being 12 years old, you are dating a 23-year-old vampire, I mean cmon so it's obvious.

As the changes in Jasmin's behavior, her parents checked all of her social media platforms and there they found out about Jeremy. they two meet secretly so they connected all the dots, and that's when they found that she was sneaking out with her 23-year-old boyfriend, and not coming homes for days and that just pissed them off.
so when her parents asked about her relationship and activity, she behaved in a rebellious way and started getting being disrespectful, she was not respecting their household and their rules. her parents told her that she has to stop seeing this guy, she cannot date him, he is way too older than her. so she no longer being allowed to see Jeremy or leave the house, unless she is going to school. so this incident make Jasmin lose completely her mind, so she acted more rebellious, she rebelled more, so basically, it started a war in the house.

Jeremy and Jasmin still communicate online, which is their only way to talk now. so Jasmin decided to take the step through which they can get rid of this problem. so she was the one who proposed her plan, to kill her family. police found the letter,  where Jasmin  wrote a letter to Jeremy saying :
"hey Jeremy, I have this plan, it begins with me killing them, and ends with me living with you"

Then Jeremy wrote "their throats I want to slit, they will regret the shit they have done, finally, there shall be silence, their blood shall be my payment"
Jasmin constantly told Jeremy how much she hated her family, and how badly she wants them to be gone because they were the reason for their separation.

Jasmin richardson


On April 23rd, 2006, at night, everybody was getting ready for bed, and at time Debra the mom, she heard some noises downstairs, she put on her robe and she went downstairs to investigate, she then put on the lights and saw a man holding the knife, wearing the mask. she started screaming, and she ends being attacked by this intruder. in the police report, it was written that she was stabbed 12 times over and over again, her screams woke everybody up in the house, and her husband marc, came downstairs to see what was going on, and he saw this man killing his wife and there is blood everywhere. marc grab a screwdriver that got nearby and tried to fight with the intruder, but sadly he couldn't able to fight, and he ended up being stabbed a total of 24 times and died, Jasmin was upstairs in her room, pretending to sleep, next to her room, there is her younger brother's room, the little boy was eight years old. he saw everything, how his parents died and he was scared and hiding under the bed, and Jasmin comes running into his room and then she puts her hands on her brother's ears and pretends that she was protecting him from the loud screaming that was happening inside the house. after that Jeremy comes upstairs after killing both parents of Jasmin. he told Jasmin that let's not kill the boy he is just 8 years old. he is a kid let's not kill him but Jasmin was the one who decided to kill Jacob (her brother). (completely heartless.)
and the reason behind killing her brother was that both of her parents were dead so what will he do alone, he won't have anybody, he would be alone, so that's why she killed her eight-year-old brother. Jasmin was the one who did it, she stabs him 5 times, and also to make sure he is dead she slit his throat

the same evening a six-year-old neighbor, went to the Richardson house to ask Jacob if he can come outside to play with him, so he went to call and ringed the doorbell but nobody was opening the door, so the boy peeks through the window and he saw blood everywhere and two bodies lying, that poor little boy got traumatized, he went running home screaming and he tells his parents and they went to the Richardson house and then police were called. 
when they walk inside the house police just saw a nightmare there is blood everywhere. the investigation team searched everywhere, they had no idea what had happened, at first they thought their 12-year daughter was kidnapped by the killer, so they put out an amber alert, hoping that somebody will find the missing daughter. police went to Jasmin's school, searched her locker, hoping that they might get some clue from there, and then found a creepy drawing, the drawing depicted a story of how two people set a house on fire and ran away. so once the police got the drawing, now the police started searching for Jasmin from a missing person to now a murder suspect. police ended up finding Jasmin and Jeremy within 24 hours. police arrested them in the town which was 100 miles away called 'leader'.

It was written in the report that when they arrested them, they didn't see any kind of grief or sadness on their faces, instead, Jeremy bragged about his black eyes, and told that marc, Jasmin's father punched him in his eyes and he was laughing.

First trial

The first trial was with Jasmin, which began in June 2006. so in the trial, she was asked why she murdered her parents and her brother, and Jasmin said "I love Jeremy so much, I thought it would bring us closer together" then evidence was brought in, and evidence was stacked letters, that was being exchanged between Jeremy and Jasmin after there arresting, that means when they were arrested they were writing each other letters. and in one of those letters, Jasmin wrote that they were legends and immortal.
neither Jasmin nor Jeremy mentioned any guilt or remorse for what they did. they were just planning their future together as if they were getting out of prison.
in another letter of evidence, it was written by Jasmin that " never has a person affected me so much, always will there be something missing without you with me, my lawyer tells me we are legends haha, closer to immortality, it would seem"

they brought another letter and it was from Jeremy and it says"I love you more than life itself, I've added you to my visitors' list, so once you are released please visit often, never forget how much I care, or that I love you. without you, this life isn't worth living. you said you want to get engaged? then here is the question, will you marry me? if yes then it's a verbal agreement"

and in Jasmin's reply letter she said "yes I will marry you. The world is really against us."

Jasmin took the stand in her own defense on 3rd July 2007, during her testimony. she told the court that she had a hypothetical conversation about killing her family and possibly making the deaths look like murder or suicide. or an accident but never intended on actually going through with it. and when questioned about the letters to Jeremy, she said that she was just getting her five minutes of fame so that people gonna remember her forever. Jasmin said she was home when the murder took place, she was in her brother's room and trying to cover her brother's ears so that he could not hear the screams, and then she said that Jeremy came upstairs into the room and yelled at her to kill her brother and that she had to do it. because he just killed her parents for them so she had to do it, and she was forced to do it.
Jasmin pled not guilty to all three counts of first-degree murder,  but after just three hours of deliberation on July 10th, 2007, the jury found her guilty, on all three counts.. she was sentenced to only 10 years imprisonment because she was below 14 years. and in those  10 years half of the year, she spent in a psychiatric ward as per Canadian law. jeremy's trial was in 2008 and found guilty of three counts of first-degree murder and sentenced to three concurred life sentences in prison, he will be up for parole after serving 25 years.

In 2012. Jeremy changed his name to Jackson maybe he tried to appeal his case but he got failed. so in 2015 Jasmin completed her sentence, and was fully released at the age of 23. she is been keeping a very low profile since her release. according to Canadian law, if she can go five years, without any legal altercations, her juvenile record will get expunged means erased.


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