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Showing posts from August 7, 2020

WHY PEOPLE KILL THEMSELVES?Reason,Awareness and Recovery

Do you know close to 800,000 people died every year due to suicide? which is one person in every 40 seconds shocking right? but this what happening world wide every year and of these 135,000 are residents of India(17%) a nation with 17.5% of world population.  but why people kill themselves ,what force them to take such crucial step that they put death above all. why we kill ourselves(Bering's case study) According to the prominent psychologist Jesse Bering of the University of Otago in New Zealand, in his authoritative book Suicidal: Why We Kill Ourselves (University of Chicago Press, 2018)the suicidal issue in every persons are as different as their DNA, involving chains of events that one expert calls ‘dizzying in their variety.' people include with the diversity of ages ,profession,gender and personality. Depression the common reason seen in many suicide cases, but most people who are depressed don't kill themselves only about 5% (Bering says) and not all sui...