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International Men's day- History, Purpose and contributions


International men's day

First of all wishing a very Happy International Men's Day to all the Fathers, Brothers, friends, husbands, and all the wonderful men out there who are working day and night giving a healthy contribution and support by being a strong pillar to the nation, society, family, marriage, childcare, and environment.


International men's day is celebrated every year on the 19th of November. the objective of this day is to celebrate boy's and men's achievements and contributions, particularly the contributions to the nations, society, family, marriage, and childcare. and to promote basic humanitarian values.

It was integrated in 1992 on 7th February by Thomas Oaster. this event, the International, Men's day was not just a gendered day, but it was initiated to strive the gender equality and an attempt to remove the negative images and the stigma associated with men in our society.

The Inaugural celebration of International men's day in India was organized by the Indian men's rights organization on 19 November 2007 the date 19 November was fixed on the fact that Australians and West Indies were already celebrating IMD on that day.

In 2009 India received its first corporate sponsorship of the International men's day from men's wear brand Allen Solly and HBO decided to screen male-positive movies in its "Men in Black series" on 19 November.


1- To promote positive male role models, from every field and not just from the entertainment industry or sports.

2-  To celebrate men's positive contributions to society, nation, family, marriage. childcare and to the environment.

3- To give equal importance to men's social, physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

4-To highlight Discrimination against men in the areas of social services, social attitudes, expectations, and law.

5-To improve gender relations and gender equality.

6- To promote Humanity.

International Men's Day also coincides with "Movember" – a worldwide mustache growing charity event held during November each year that raises funds and awareness for men's health, one of the key themes promoted on  IMD.

A  Healthy society is built with the contributions of both genders and we just simply can't ignore each other's efforts, men being in the headline of cases like sexual assaults, rapes, domestic violence murders, etc have always suppressed the voice of the men who are actually good or who are working for the betterment of the society.

not all men are the same, men also face a lot of pressure which we as a society never appreciated, for example, they are always expected to be the providers or refrain themselves from asking for help or expressing their feelings, 

we have always heard people saying that "larke rote nahi"(men don't cry) man crying is always considered a shame on their masculinity, we society never have accepted a so-called weak man,

we always have high expectations with the male members of our family, we never see men with their hopes and having personal aspirations but someone who can take care of his family and so he does he take all the responsibilities killing his own desires.

for example, fathers they do everything for their wives and children sacrificing his own wish, he works day and night for the money which he doesn't spend on himself but provide a good life for his wife and children.

Brother's, as far as he is born, the whole family writes his destiny, that one day he will take care of his family, whether its financially or emotionally, he will provide all the happiness to the family, he will be the support of his mother and father at their old age. surprisingly we never ask all these from a girl, a sister.

It is harsh but true that, society has given a choice to the girls that they can be the earning member of the family or not it's their choice, but for men, it's mandatory

our male friends, I mostly have male friends and I never felt uncomfortable with them, in fact, they are the people who are more understanding and always made me feel secure whenever they are around, and they are always the one who is ready to listen to my problems, no matter how much they are struggling in their own lives but they are always a one phone call away whenever I need them. I guess `they also taught me the meaning of what real friendship is. and I will always be grateful to them.

so this International men's day lets not forget that men are humans too and they too have emotions so today check-in with your male friends or male members of your family, talk to them ask them how they are, try to bring a smile to their faces, tell them that their feelings, matters.

you can also check out one of my similar article on men's emotions and how mentally and emotionally they struggle. Click here.


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