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Happy Teacher's Day: Covid-19 (5 important things the Pandemic taught us)

happy teacher's day :covid 19

Happy Teacher's day: Covid-19 (5 Important things the Pandemic taught us)

on Teacher's day, we celebrate teaching. people who taught us things in life and make ourselves ready to stand with the world,
every single person encountered different people in every phase of their life who teach us something or the other. from decades we celebrate this day, we thank our teachers or person who taught us some valuable things in life or we talk about them, I also do the same.

but this year I want to thank the greatest teacher of the year 2020 is COVID 19 the global pandemic, 
yes you heard it right, COVID 19 who made our 2020 a living hell. COVID 19, because of which the world has stopped, our GDP crashed, many are jobless, millions of people died and others are living in constant fear, yes the COVID 19 which is a daywalker nightmare which nobody knows when it gonna end. 

but let's just change our perception a little bit and let's see what COVID 19 has taught us:

first, the most important thing which we learned so far is no matter how successful we are, no matter whatever we do, wherever we go or what plans we have or how powerful we humans think of ourselves, how much we try to control things or the world. nature is always 2 steps ahead of us, nature's stick has no sound but the power that we humans have no chance to stand against it.

second, I know we all have complaints that it pushed us away from our loved ones we can't go home we cannot meet our own people, we are so alone far from human interaction but trust me,' we actually came close the way we never were before' we finally got time to think about how much our loved ones are valuable to us and how granted we have taken them from so many years. we got time to celebrate each emotion, each kind of relationship, we truly started caring for each other, we finally understand the value of 'Ghar ka khana', 'our ready to go friends,' human interaction, and most importantly the 'fresh air,'
after being locked inside the house we finally started admiring the sun, the moon, the rain, the air, the trees, the birds which we never got time to stop and gaze at it. we finally start praising our mother nature and the value of it. 

we also learned that expressing our emotions is not that difficult, we can do it over a phone call also, and people actually listen. isn't it wonderful, we just need to start talking. 
(log ache hi hai,baat karke toa Dekho)

Third, the meaning of education we knew was so outdated from so many years, education is not something that we can only do inside a separate closed building or inside the closed classroom, this COVID taught us that for gaining and spreading knowledge we just need the right intention .our online classes have taught us, how much our teachers put efforts in teaching. lockdown proves this.

 Today the teachers all from over the world have made a revolution where sharing knowledge got upgraded and the quality of education what students are having today, nobody has ever imagined the digital classes due to global pandemic not just made us realized how lucky we are to have such teachers in our life and how valuable our school or college days were and how much we miss our classrooms, benches, friends, teachers and our campus.
pandemic made us realize how lucky we humans are and how good our lives were which we never appreciated, the human interaction which we only have seen as an "unnecessary population" and "chaos" and never praised the beauty of it.

fourth, the family value which we always put below, whenever we have counted for the valuable things in our life, 
the family time, which we almost forgot in today's time, what it feels to have a family meal together or watching tv shows together or helping each other in household things, sharing laughs, and most importantly living in the parent's shadow once again, a place which we can actually call home. 

Fifth This pandemic and lockdown generate creativity and unique ideas to the minds which were just functioning and not thinking, and this will definitely change the future. also, it taught us that we can do anything, we can work and survive in any condition. 
It gave us the power of adaption, now people are thinking creatively and independently at least for the sake of survival which will definitely gonna bring a change.
people are getting self-sufficient and self-dependent, we have also learned that how much time we waste doing things which we can easily do from home we don't have to go miles for the same work.

In this busy world where people put money above all, this pandemic gives a slap on our faces and tells us that you can buy anything but not your 'life' what an irony right? that same life for which we are working so hard.
and also how temporary the money is, that same money which we are chasing, putting every valuable thing aside.

so in this Teacher's day, let's thank COVID-19 for teaching life 


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