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WHY PEOPLE KILL THEMSELVES?Reason,Awareness and Recovery

why people kill themselves

Do you know close to 800,000 people died every year due to suicide? which is one person in every 40 seconds shocking right? but this what happening world wide every year and of these 135,000 are residents of India(17%) a nation with 17.5% of world population. 

but why people kill themselves ,what force them to take such crucial step that they put death above all.

why we kill ourselves(Bering's case study)

According to the prominent psychologist Jesse Bering of the University of Otago in New Zealand, in his authoritative book Suicidal: Why We Kill Ourselves (University of Chicago Press, 2018)the suicidal issue in every persons are as different as their DNA, involving chains of events that one expert calls ‘dizzying in their variety.' people include with the diversity of ages ,profession,gender and personality.

Depression the common reason seen in many suicide cases, but most people who are depressed don't kill themselves only about 5% (Bering says) and not all suicide victims are depressed,he says "about 43% of the suicide reasons can be explained by Genetics and 57% can cause by the environmental factors.

It was seen in majority of cases people kill themselves because of the other people,they are more worried about how people are going to think or behave ,"social problem-hypervigilent concern about other people's reaction stroke a deadly fire and people choose the suicide path.

also it can be impulsive and persuasive action,when the question asked that "why you try to take your life" to the suicide survivors ,majority of them says" I don't know what I was thinking that time because people can be very persuasive in arguing why they believe life—their life—is not worth living. And yet the situation looks radically different months later, sometimes because of an antidepressant, sometimes because of a change in circumstances, sometimes just a mysterious change of mind.”

If you have suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 91-9152987821 or phone a family member or friend. And wait for sometime, knowing that in time you will most likely experience one of these mysterious changes of mind and once again yearn for life.

there are more than 80 suicide cases registered during this lock down in India

and the reason behind is loneliness and fear of being infected by corona virus and also by withdrawal symptoms


The stigma attached to suicide has lessened in recent years thanks to more people and families who have dealt with suicide starting to speaking out. Don’t be afraid to ask someone directly if they’re considering ending their own lives. Being conscious and aware that someone is a suicide risk is the first step to helping them to get the assistance they need before it is too late. Military veterans have some of the highest suicide rates of any group in the country, and as a result, there are organizations that have come forward to help people become more aware about the consequences and dangers associated with suicide. Mental health organizations are also stepping forward to reach out to parents, teens, and adults about suicide so they can get the help they need. There are also suicide awareness groups that help teach others about how to reach out to their loved ones if they are concerned.


For a suicidal person, it can be a long road toward feeling a sense of normalcy again. Prescription medications for depression are often given, but parents and friends should monitor the patient to make sure that they do not overdose. Keep an eye on how they react to the medication, and call their doctor if the medication is not working or giving them adverse side effects.

Frequent therapy sessions can help people get expert help, and they will have an objective ear to listen to their problems and offer professional advice. Check on the person you are concerned about frequently to find out how they are feeling and remind them that you’re available if they need a friend. Be patient with those who are coping with suicidal thoughts. Those feelings do not just disappear overnight. It takes time to feel hope again and live a life that is stable and normal after having such intense feelings. Suicide support groups are also available to suicidal people, their friends, and their families so that people can reach out to each other for support and discussion. There is also help available for those who have lost someone to suicide.

"Giving up is okay but ending your Journey is not"


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