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RAKHSHA BANDHAN- 5 famous Tales Behind It

Raksha Bandha- 5 famous tales

Raksha Bandhan celebrated on the full moon of the Hindu month of sravana that July/august it believes  that Rakhi is the symbol of protection that a brother promise to his sister , lets have a look on some fascinating stories in the Indian history and the mythology behind this grand Festival Rakhi.

5 famous Historical Stories Behind Raksha Bandhan

Krishna and Draupadi

the stories goes that one day Lord Krishna accidentally cut his little finger while handling the sugarcane on the day Makar Sankranti ,he calls for his wife. Rukmini immediately sent the officials to get the Bandages,
meanwhile Draupadi was present there and she tear off her saree piece a little and tied it to Krishna's wounded finger than Krishna  promised her that he will always their to protect her ,whenever she calls for him and he kept his promise  and help her out in the situation when she  needed the most and that is during Draupadis cheerharan when kaurava's tried to disrespect her,that we all have heard stories," the reason behind the battle of Mahabharata"


The Ritual of Raksha Bandhan was followed by Yama the lord of Death and Yamuna the river, the story says that when Yamuna tied Rakhi to Yama the Lord of Death granted her Immortality  and also he declared that any brother who tied a Rakhi and offered to protect his sister would  also become immortal.


on the auspicious day lord Ganesha's sister Mansa visit him to tie him Rakhi, after seeing this Ganesha's son begin insisting on having a sister by granting his demand Ganesha created goddess Santoshi  from the divine flame.


Rani karnavati was the queen of Mewar ,after the death of her husband when Bahadur shah of Gujarat attacked Mewar for the second time she asked for support from the other kingdoms and also wrote a letter to Humayun she sent a Rakhi and sought for protection fascinatingly that time the Mughal emperor was already in the middle of another military campaign but still when he Received the call for help ,abandoning it, he turned his attention to Mewar.

Unfortunately, he never made it on time as the Rajput army was defeated in Chittoor. But the queen had already set herself on fire to avoid the indignity of falling in the hands of Bahadur Shah. Shah, however, could not go any further and had to turn away from Chittoor as Mughal military reinforcements arrived soon after. Humayun then restored the kingdom to Karnavati's son, Vikramjit.


when Alexander the Great invaded India in 326 BC, his wife, Roxana sent Porus a sacred thread and asked him not to harm her husband on the battle field. Honouring the request, when he confronts Alexander, he refuses to kill him. Eventually, Porus would lose the battle of the Hydaspes River but would gain Alexander's respect and honour. Eventually, after his death, Porus would become a very loyal Macedonian satrap.


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