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National Education Policy of India- HIGHLIGHTS

National education policy of india

The news which finally lighten the hope for the brighter future of our Education system and of our country , the Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the new Education policy of India, so lets understand what this policy is and why people are celebrating this change.


It was framed in 1986 and modified in 1982 . after three decades this new policy has been made in the field of education sector, this is the sector which was being outdated and ignored for a very long time ,the Indian education system really needed to gear itself towards the demands of 21st century. now the quality,innovation and research will be the new pillar on which people will stand on the basis of true knowledge and not just on the basis of marks and degrees. 


  • 50% gross enrollment ratio by 2035
  • the focus will be on holistic and multidisciplinary Education- FLEXIBILITY OF SUBJECT   
  • UG program will be 3 or 4 years       
  • PG program will of 1 or 2 years
  • Integrated 5 years Bachelor's/Masters
  • M Phil to be discontinued.  making board examination for class 10 and 12 will be much easier, which generate a single regulator for higher Education ,flexible under Graduate among others.
  • every child will come out of school adept in at least one skill
  • common standards of learning in public and private schools
  • Credit transfer and Academic Bank of Credits
  •  Medium of instruction till 5th grade and preferably till grade 8 and beyond in home language/mother tongue/Regional language
  • final report card will be on the basis of 360 degree holistic progress card of a child and not just only marks and statement
  • tracking student progress for achieving and learning outcomes
  • national Assessment center-parakh
  • NTA  to offer common Entrance exam for admission to HEIs
  • National professional standards for teacher (NPST)
  • Book promotion policy and Digital Library
  • Universalization of early childhood care Education system(ECCE)
  • complete focus on foundational literacy and numeracy
  • 5+3+3+4 curricular and Pedagogical structure
  • curriculum to integrate 21st century Skill,Mechanical Thinking and Scientific temper
  • Education of Gifted children
  • Gender inclusion fund
  • KGBVs up-to grade 12
  • Reduction in curriculum to core concepts
  • Vocational Integration from class 6 on wards
  • MHRD to be renamed as M/o Education
  • graduated autonomy- Academic,Administrative and Financial
  • public Investment in Education sector to reach 6% of GDP at the earliest


  • Education planning 
  • Teaching.learning&Assessment
  • Administration& Management
  • Regulation-self Disclosure&Minimum Human Interface
  • Increasing Access for Disadvantaged groups
  • Divyang friendly Education Technology Forum(NEFT)
  • e-content in Regional Language
  • Virtual Labs
  • digitally equipped schools,Teachers and students


  • Focus on Literature & Scientific Vocabulary of Indian Languages
  • Language Faculty
  • Research on Languages
  • Strengthening National Institutes for promotions of Classical Language & Literature
  • Indian institute of Translation and Interpretation(IITI)
  • Cultural Awareness of our Indian knowledge systems
  • Promoting Traditional Arts and Lok Vidya
  • HEI/ School or School complex to have Artist(s)-in-Residence


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