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Dil Bechara Trailer- becomes the most liked in 24 hours|WHY?|

dil bechara

Starring late actor Sushant Singh Rajput and popular model Sanjana Sanghi, Dil Bechara based on the bestselling novel Fault In Our Star of John Green's. Directed by Mukesh Chhabra, the film's trailer has become the most liked trailer on YouTube within 24-hours.

The Heartbreaking Trailer

the shocking suicide news of the late Sushant Singh Rajput made the whole nation question one's existence also forced people to finally give importance to the issue of mental health, everyone told me to write about it and honestly, I tried but I couldn't, it was so disturbing to even think about it. so I really didn't know where to start.
but after watching the trailer I have certain things to say.but lets first talk about the trailer which has made history.

Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput's last film Dil Bechara is all set to release worldwide on OTT platform Disney Plus Hot-star on July 24. the trailer of the film released on Monday and it instantly earned appreciation from the viewers. Fans were thrilled as well as emotional to watch the actor on their screens and wished he would just come back somehow. In less than 24-hours, the trailer has received a heartwarming response and suddenly everyone understands his hard-work and we all are appreciating his skills and efforts but guess what he is not here today to see all this. the irony of life "we become extremely valuable when we are dead".
people are saying that Sushant's otherworldly charm and innocent acting had left them teary eyes it's magic force everyone to question that it can't be true he can't commit suicide, he didn't deserve what he has gone through. The trailer crossed 5 million views within one hour of the release itself.

The heartwarming trailer shows Sushant as a lively man and a survivor of Osteosarcoma, who makes it his life’s mission to make his friend Kizie (Sanjana Sanghi), also battling cancer, live life to the fullest. Peppered with humor and stoic aplomb, the trailer beautifully captures the soulful love story between the two leads.

you can also watch the trailer here:

let's see what people observed after watching the trailer

'HELP' printed T-shirt, many are saying that it's a hidden message from Sushant. 

the dialog about life and death where he says "we don't get to decide when we are born or when we die."  these are going viral, people all around the world are expressing their sorrow and happiness at the same time, everyone is appreciating the legacy of Sushant Singh Rajput and feeling sorry for what he has gone through.
sushant singh rajput

the love and support he is getting now are tremendous and so heartwarming sometimes I feel that what if he was still alive and could see all of this from his own eyes. just imagine the happiness on his face where he can see the rewards he deserves is finally made the way towards him. maybe he would have lived. his all hard-work and struggle are now coming into the light, but when he truly needed it nothing and no one was there.

let's ask a question from ourselves today, why we can't stand with the people when they truly needed us
when he was alive he begged people to watch his movies because it's so difficult to stand alone in the world where you have no Godfather, why we haven't appreciated him for being an outsider and still managed to make a spot for himself. who made these words "outsiders" and "insiders" why it requires putting a label, why can't we just appreciate the true talent .why we judge a person on the basis of where they came from? don't you think as a society there is something seriously wrong with us?

when sushant begged his fans to watch his movies

The ongoing debate about Nepotism 

why we are doing this suddenly, nepotism was always there, in every sector, we never made this a burning topic, in fact, we are the one who chooses to see films of the Star kids, we want to see how the children of the legendary actors or directors were going to perform, media covers them way before their movies released, then why now just because an actor committed suicide? Does this mean that every-time to bring light on the unfair things or practices of the society, one has to die?

I am not saying expressing your grief or appreciation towards the film is wrong and I know that the damage has done but in future, we can make sure and also we have the capability to not let anybody feel or go through what Sushant has gone, we as a nation have so much power that we made a (what we call) "outsider's" film trailer to one of the most liked trailer, we have the power that today we are raising questions about issues which are rotting our society at ground level like nepotism, boycotting the people of the industry who are at the supreme post, what has done is done but what we as a nation had suffered by losing an extremely talented actor should not go in vain.

 at last, I just wanna say that boycotting people from the industry is not gonna help
also, Sushant Singh Rajput said in one of his interviews that "nepotism is everywhere and it can co-exist and nothing would happen but at the same time when you deliberately don't allow the right talents to come up then there is a problem"

 so its better that we start equally supporting the work of an outsider or their movies so that from now no outsiders should have to beg people to watch their films.
let's make a world easy for the people who are truly talented.


  1. Well said... And its damn true nepotism is everywhere... Social Media is full of negativity now a days.

  2. Very nicely written... 🙂❤️

  3. Beautiful Writing Skills &Content


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