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Dark- Review (SPOILER ALERT)

dark webseries

Dark. A Netflix series which created a complete new craze about time travel ,parallel universe amongst youth and its hitting there audience in so many ways so lets talk about the show which created a  roller costar in our heads those who have already watched it can share there views in the comment section below and those who haven't,than read and decide.


Dark debuted on Netflix on 1 December 2017, becoming the streaming service's first-ever German-language original series,If you love the genre of science fiction,mystery,thriller than this show could be the best option for you to binge watch.


dark season 1

story begins with the mysterious disappearance of a local boy in 2019 in a small town widen Germany it strokes fear amongst local residents ,police was investing the case without any evidence which made it more difficult to proceed further and in the middle of this,another boy named mikkle disappeared around the mysterious cave in the woods near the nuclear power plant of the town where many mysterious events and death happened in the past.

there were no trace about the disappearance no suspects nothing ,later we found out that mikkel traveled time at the night of his disappearance and next day he found himself in 1986 he rushed to his house where he saw his father ulrich neilson who was a high school student and his girlfriend katharina (mikkel's mother), the trauma he went at the age of 9 was scary he was in his own town which overnight became a different world where he doesn't exist ,a world where he was standing without being born.

apart from the disappearance of children in the town there's a another story which was going on about a high school boy Jonas who was a friend of mikkle's brother ,Jonas father committed suicide few days before the mikkle's disappearance. he left a letter for Jonas, the letter ,the suicide and disappearance nothing was making sense until we found out how everything was connected which gave a complete twist and left us all stunned.


dark  season 2

this season takes us further into the past in 1921 and also showed the events of story happening in the timeline of exactly 33 years gap when the celestial bodies comes at the same position in every 33 year which travelers use to travel time so here the story goes according to the division of time i.e 1921,1954,1986, 2019 and 2053.

this season is something which blows your minds off ,the connection between the characters in all these years are so confusing and have unexpected twists and turns which can give you a complete roller costar ride and have moments where you feel like why am I watching this , also u will feel that nothing making sense but the suspense and thriller will not let you to leave your seats before watching the complete season. 

every episode has a new twist 
so lets begin , the boy mikkel who disappeared in 2019 and traveled to 1986 has been adopted by a nurse Ines kanhwald where he grows as Michael kahnwald and marries Hannah and they have a child named  JONAS ,yes the same Jonas who was a friend of mikkel's brother Magnus and sister Martha.
this is first major twist which we got and left us all in shock. 
Jonas and Martha had an affair which he later he found that she was his aunt which make the whole thing little awkward ,funny and emotional at the same time. Jonas found the passage inside the cave where one can travel time, at the gate of the passage it was written sic mundus creatus est which means "beginning is the end and the end is the beginning" Jonas tried to bring back mikkel from 1986 but the a mysterious man appears and stopped him from doing that later it was found that he was the adult Jonas who came from the future.
there also things like paradox,deja vu, stories about Adam and eve and many more terms in the astrophysics which is used and explained with great imagination and the connected dots were presented so perfectly that it will not let your eye blink ,you need to watch every single thing with precision to understand the events 
later found that everything which is happening is created by the Adam . the suspense about the Adam made you more involve in the story because the characters ,the past,present and future the way they are connected were unimaginable who knows what character can turn into Adam.

dark Adam

Adam meets Jonas and tells him that he is the older version of him, and also Adam was responsible for missing of the children in the past and also made many of them killed which made Jonas to question himself that how he could become him and neither we know this till now. he dropped some  revelation about sic mundus the group of travelers who wants to create a world without time , a Paradise. later he send Jonas to the day of his father's suicide saying he can stop him.  but eventually it was a lie 
season 2 ends with the Apocalypse June 27 2020 the day when the 3rd season arrived.


dark season 3

the grand climax of a wonderful series ,which is the ultimate salute to the complexities and knot of human emotions ,here the time travel continues but it adds an another layer of dimension ,a parallel world where Jonas is never born 
 at the end of the season 2 it was shown that Adam killed Martha in front of Jonas at the day of the Apocalypse. and than the other Martha appears and told him that she was from different world and took Jonas with her in the parallel universe.
the characters were same but mikkle never traveled to past so Jonas is never born.

Conceptually, this season is far more complex than the earlier two. And being a series driven by theoretical science, quantum physics to be precise, it delves deep into the concept of cause and effect and even touches upon paradoxes like the Schrodinger's cat experiment. The question asked here, like the paradox, is to what extent can we influence the flow of time and events by observing or interfering with a particular situation? That analogy here is Widen, where multiple people driven by myriad emotions travel back and forth in time, influencing both the causes and effects of their actions. In doing so, they create an infinite loop of dark events involving Widen and its residents.
Jonas meets an old lady in the parallel world where she told him that she is Eva the older self of Martha but not the Martha of his world but Martha of the parallel world.

no matter what they do everything was happening in the continuous never ending loop Adam and Eva both trying to create a different world far from each other ,Adam was consider dark and Eva was light 
but the one thing they don't know was about the origin world they are looking for the answers in their two worlds but at the end Claudia revealed about the origin world. 

In the end both Jonas and Martha went to the origin world and changed the beginning of the events because of which the origin world created the other two world. the world which was not supposed to exist,so by stopping the beginning,world of Adam and Eva vanished and nothing existed.

season 3

my reaction

WHATTTTTT ,the every event which happened in season 1 and 2 and the struggle of everyone in the series went in vain,they never existed honestly I took it so personally and felt bad about the characters it feels like everyone was watching a dream at the same time for so many years and one day boom they never born .

and to know who was Claudia and other characters who are connected in so weird ways ,where  a "daughter is her own grandmother" don't know what I am talking than go and watch the series the suspense and paradox events makes you believe in the terms and the mysterious side of our universe which might or might not possible we don't know but the thriller will hit you hard and you end up loving the concept.


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